Rediscover Your Path to Happiness with Kami Alaniz, RN, Certified Practitioner in NLP, Holistic Dream Life Transformation Coach, and Author.

Feeling stuck, stressed, or facing inner doubts? Kami Alaniz, RN/CPNLP, is your guide to a brighter future. With 30+ years of healthcare expertise, she'll help you unlock your potential.

  1. Empowering Your Transformation

At Just Brooke, LLC, we empower you to shape your destiny. Remove blocks, reset your mindset, and set goals with Kami's guidance.

  1. Transform Your Life

Experience personalized 1:1 coaching, access self-help videos, and join transformative courses. Discover Kami's book

‘My LifeTime Series to Dream Life’ for real-life insights.

Ready to start your journey? Schedule your appointment today. Let's create a brighter future together.

Just Brooke, LLC - Transforming Lives, One Dream at a Time